39 Quai Andre Citroen, 75015 Paris

Available T3 2027
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Tour Mirabeau

39 Quai Andre Citroen, 75015 Paris

Available T3 2027

33 840 sq.m

3 400 collaborators

Réinventée par Cro&Co Architecture, Mirabeau, icône des Bords de Seine, se transforme

Au cœur de l’histoire et de l’activité tertiaire

« Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine et nos amours ». L'histoire Mirabeau est liée à la créativité de Guillaume Apollinaire et à son expression artistique, contribuant à l'aura romantique et poétique.

En 1972, l'architecte Lemaresquier dessine et construit la tour en concevant un bâtiment aux formes épurées, aux lignes géométriques nettes et une attention particulière à la fonctionnalité.

Aujourd’hui, l'agence d'architecture Cro&Co réinvente Mirabeau.

Une façade spectaculaire au cœur d’un écrin de verdure

Visible et iconique, une nouvelle façade se dessinera bientôt dans l'horizon parisien. Avec l’intégration d’ouvrants de confort en façade et la création d'espaces extérieurs connectées aux plateaux de bureaux, nous ouvrons la tour à son environnement. Tout cela est complété par la création d’un rooftop de 1 340 m² d'espaces extérieurs (dont près de 200 m² accessibles) et végétalisés avec de superbes vues panoramiques sur la Seine et sur le tout Paris

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The strengths of this space


Reinvented by Cro&Co Architecture, the iconic Tour Mirabeau on the banks of the Seine is being transformed


Just 400 m from the Beaugrenelle shopping centre and the 14-hectare Javel André Citroën park. Located at the foot of the Javel metro station, the Tower is easily accessible by metro (line 10) or RER C train, and by bike thanks to the many cycle paths nearby.


The 1,880 sq.m of office space has a false ceiling height of 2.70 metres and is triple-oriented, with panoramic views over the Seine and Paris.

Green spaces

Creation of 1,620 sq.m of green outdoor spaces connected to the office floors, including a 1,340 sq.m rooftop.


Mirabeau, at the cutting edge of the latest CSR requirements, is efficient thanks to the latest technologies and geothermal energy.

Commitments, labels and certifications

1,700 sq.m of outdoor space created, including 1,115 sq.m planted with trees, the equivalent of 4 tennis courts
Project to develop the garden at the foot of the tower (under study)
Soft mobility: addition of showers, changing rooms and bicycle storage (280 spaces)
Low Carbon
Refurbishment limiting the impact on the existing structure
Virtuous transformation of the CHC and the façade: targeted efforts to create value by minimising our carbon footprint
Optimisation of energy consumption using geothermal energy
Circular economy
Target of recovering 185 tonnes of raw materials in situ (1)
CO2 avoided on site thanks to re-use: Target of 100kg.eqCO2/m2 (2), i.e. approximately 3500 T.eqCO2, the equivalent of 2000 return journeys between Paris and New York.
Bream RFO Excellent
Wiredscore - Platinium

Discover the area's points of interest

On-site access


240 seats


Private parking available in the secure public car park at the foot of the building

Public transport access


Metro Métro 10

Boulogne Pont de Saint-Cloud - Gare d'Austerlitz

Javel - André Citroen
1 min


Javel - André Citroen
1 min

Table of available floor space


Gross floor area


Estimated maximum capacity

19th century


1,340 sq.m


18th century

1,908 sq.m

5 sq.m


17th century

1,916 sq.m

4 sq.m


16th century

1,909 sq.m

31 sq.m


15th century

1,916 sq.m

4 sq.m


14th century

1,909 sq.m

31 sq.m


13th century

1,916 sq.m

4 sq.m


12th century

1,886 sq.m

31 sq.m


11th century

1,893 sq.m

4 sq.m


10th century

1,887 sq.m

31 sq.m


9th century

1,893 sq.m

4 sq.m


8th century

1,886 sq.m

31 sq.m


7th century

1,893 sq.m

4 sq.m


6th century

1,886 sq.m

31 sq.m


5th century

1,893 sq.m

4 sq.m


4th century

1,886 sq.m

31 sq.m


3th century

1,893 sq.m

4 sq.m


2th century

1,872 sq.m

31 sq.m










Total Bureaux

32,242 sq.m

1,769 sq.m

Main technical elements of this space

-An average office floor area of 1,880 sq.m SU
-Capacity: 1 person / 10 sq.m
-25% fewer meeting rooms per floor
-Suspended ceiling height: 2.7 m
-Triple exposure - 80% of office space within 6m of the façade
High-performance CHC: core redesigned to reduce traffic and increase workspace (from 13% to 6%) 
-Minimum number of internal columns per wing: 3 or 4 per 500 sq.m.
-False floor
Morgane Ogier

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Morgane Ogier

Responsable Commerciale